I frequently use org-mode
Easy Templates
and I noticed I often miss shortcut for comment block
) which is very useful from time to time.
Let's add that feature.
(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
'("C" "#+BEGIN_COMMENT\n?\n#+END_COMMENT" ""))
is character used to trigger completion by entering <C
pressing TAB - Emacs will then replace it with this block:
is place where cursor will be set after expation.
Third argument in list I'm adding (empty string) is for Muse-like tags, which I'm not using at all.
Curious fact is that we are not limited to single character to trigger expansion - we can use words too:
(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
'("comment" "#+BEGIN_COMMENT\n?\n#+END_COMMENT" ""))
Entering <comment
and pressing TAB will again expand it to above
comment block.