Looks like EDE will not have a chance for presentation on
FOSDEM this year. Again.
Last year I tried to apply for stands (I know, I know, trying
to go far) and only
the big ones
got a chance. I was pissed for that. Don't get me wrong; I wasn't
all that mad for rejection, but also for seeing each year on each
conference 10-20 well known projects that will give me
"the news" I already know.
If you don't believe me, then just see the difference between
this and
previous year.
Seems that
Lighting Talks are
the only fresh part of this event; each year there are new or
soon-to-be-known projects mostly due some rules (e.g. you can't be
twice). Can those rule be applied for stands/devrooms too? Looks
like not.
Now, rejection is probably our falt too: there was release a
year ago and the current 2.0 development is in progress, maybe too
slow for the eyes outside it. You know, it's a little bit hard to
say: "
I just got edelib::list pointer
specialization and proves it wasn't so good" or
"ede-screensaver-conf will now
communicate with xscreensaver via X messages" to someone who
is not familiar with these. Even if that person is familiar, I'm
sure he/she will not waste their time on reading commit logs.
But, things are not that bad: a new year is comming and will
see what will bring us :) And of course: Happy New Year!
No FOSDEM this year either
December 31, 2008