June 3, 2014

Ono, a small and friendly Offlineimap frontend

After a bit longish hiatus, here is the new project I managed to hack in the last two days. Nothing big and nothing fancy, but usable for me and, hopefully, for others.

I've been struggling with mail clients for, let say, last 2-3 years. The first client I started seriously to use was Mutt, some 9 years ago. At that time, when I first read Mutt famous catchphrase:

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December 28, 2013

Upgrading Fedora

Imagine you have computer running Fedora 19 and you use it for daily tasks. Imagine you are happy with it, especially when you do run yum update (sic). Now imagine you decided to upgrade your bellowed, happily running system to the next major version.

Sure, you head directly to FedUp site, assuring you are running the latest version (because they messed up previous versions which could render your system unbootable), and with the fingers crossed, you fired it up.

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October 9, 2013

Autumn cleanup

It's been a while since I put anything here (whoaa, 5 months!) mainly because of personal issues I had during that time, which required my absence from the project and usual things.

So, I'm slowly getting back. Unfortunately, this absence period delayed planned EDE release and a bunch of stuff I planned to do in the mean time, and, for warming up practice, here comes small autumn project cleanup.

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